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Apartment Cleaning Tricks You Need to Know

Apartment Cleaning Tricks You Need to Know

Apartment Cleaning Tricks You Need to Know

We all understand that you can head to your local grocery store and discover a flurry of chemicals and cleaning solutions to keep your house looking spotless. But did you realize that you can employ different household products that are probably already in your dwelling?

Check out this list of apartment cleaning hacks from experts at our apartments in Wilmington, NC, that can assist you in making your space look shiny and new without breaking the bank or using harsh chemicals.

Deodorize your garbage disposal

If you've ever encountered foul-smelling garbage disposals, you understand how bad it can be and how challenging it can be to get rid of. But employing this helpful tip will qualify you to handle stinky disposals at a moment's warning.

Seize an ice cube tray and fill each hole with white vinegar and a miniature chunk of lemon – they both include natural deodorizing properties. Then, put the tray in the freezer and wait for the magic to transpire. Whenever your disposal begins to smell, drop one of the frozen cubes in and run warm water for a moment or two while the disposal is running.

Keep your oven clean.

Stop bending over backward (or forward) to get your oven clean. Cleaning the interior of a range is a challenging task, plain and simple. Bending over and going headfirst into a messy oven for hours while you scrub away at gunk is less than excellent. But what if there were an easier way?

Thankfully there is. It's so sinple, you can do it in your sleep. First, preheat your oven to 150 degrees. Meanwhile, position a medium-sized pot of water to boil on your stovetop. Once the oven preheats, turn it off. If you own a gas stove, ensure the pilot light is extinguished as soon as you have concluded preheating the oven. Once the oven is preheated, and the water boiling, pour a cup of ammonia into a shallow baking dish and set it on the top rack of your oven. Put the pot of boiling water on the bottom shelf. Now, wait. Since the oven isn't running, you can even leave it overnight, but a minimum of three hours is recommended.

Once the ammonia has had sufficient time to loosen any grime inside the oven, unload the ammonia and water. Add a little dish soap to the ammonia, and employ the soapy ammonia combination and a sponge to swab away any grease or grime. It should be pretty easy since the ammonia relaxed the stains.

Dishwashers need cleaning, too.

It might appear paradoxical, but you must clean dishwashers. Though their sole objective is to clean what's inside them, food remnants, grease, and mildew can quickly build up over time. Cleaning your dishwasher regularly will help control unwanted odors and keep the appliance running at its peak performance.

Follow these apartment cleaning tips to make your life easier. Then, contact us if you are looking for apartments in Wilmington, NC. We want to be your next home.

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